Later that same day, Peter Miles, the leading news anchor at the IBC news channel, sat before the cameras with the teleprompter positioned before him. As soon as it indicated he was on-air, he stared solemnly into the camera lens and let out a deep sigh. But instead of reading from the prepared script, he went off on a tangent.
     “To those of you who have been faithful and loyal viewers during the past several years, I’m deeply sorry to inform all of you that I have been a fraud. I have simply been espousing the narratives put before me by my employer, the Interregional Broadcasting Company. As Adolph Hitler once said, if you control the media, you control the public, and I deeply regret having carried out the insidious wishes of the people who own this media outlet. They are in league with radical elements embedded within our government seeking to blind you with massive deceptions.”
     Miles unexpected announcement caused shocked outcries from several staff members working behind the scenes in the studio’s monitoring room.
     The supervisor looked on, wondering if his ears were deceiving him. Overcoming his momentary astonishment, he bellowed, “What the hell! Get him off the air.”
     Another staff member looked up sharply, this one the station’s chief engineer. “We’re trying to do that, but the system has us locked out.”
     “Then turn the cameras away and go to commercials!” the supervisor ordered in a panic-stricken voice.
     “We’re not able to do that either,” the chief engineer yelled back in horror.
     “It’s that hacker again, isn’t it?” the supervisor railed.
     Before the chief engineer could answer, the supervisor looked to another person and shouted, “Have security remove him from in front of the cameras.”
     Within seconds, three security guards moved in on Miles to drag him away. But before they reached him, the air in front of them suddenly shimmered. Two of the guards pulled up short, suddenly captivated as they took in the dazzling display. Mesmerized, they drank in the kinetic hologram, the esoteric essence of the delphine art tickling their brains. The third guard, however, let out an agonized scream, grabbing his temples and sinking to the floor.
     The havoc created didn’t stop there. The supervisor immediately collapsed, grasping his cranium as vomit erupted from his mouth. Several others in the video and sound crew stared, openly enraptured as several more let out cries reflecting extreme pain. Coming through the windows of the monitoring room and caught on all the video screens, the hologram caused other staff members and technicians to succumb to its effects, with some people appearing exceptionally happy while others squirmed on the floor or slumped over keyboards and other instrumentation, retching uncontrollably. With the hologram picked up by the studio cameras, it was broadcast to those TVs throughout the nation that were tuned to the station.
     Disregarding the chaos taking place before him, Peter Miles continued speaking unobstructed. “Look all around you, people. Do not be so foolish to think that the government is looking out for your welfare because the storm cloud is fast approaching. Freedom will soon become a thing of the past. Many of the freedoms you previously enjoyed have been pulled out from under you, piece by piece, with the government claiming these measures were necessary in order to keep you safe. And as it has become quite obvious that most of you are slowly being taxed to the point of personal bankruptcy, just wait until they impose the carbon tax that will push the majority of law-abiding citizens to the very brink of financial ruin.”
     Miles kept his gaze trained on the primary camera, his expression solemn. “With everything that’s going on around us, I’m sure that many of you sense that something is very wrong with what’s taking place in our society and the world in general, that something ominous lies just around the corner. But you have a choice, people. You can either choose to ignore your inner voice and go on deluding yourself that everything will turn out okay if you keep up this pretense, or you can begin to acknowledge the truths the mainstream media has been systematically suppressing or covering up for the benefit of a corrupted government. Surely there must be some of you out there that are braced for further draconian events that will be staged by the rogue elements infecting the current administration, some of which are only a few steps away from being set in motion.”
     Pausing for effect, Miles let his words sink in before going on. “Because of these lies and mass deceptions this station has relentlessly been disseminating, I hereby renounce my affiliation with the Interregional Broadcasting Company. Better known as the IBC News to all of you out there, the acronym stands for the Latin term Ineptio Beneticium Conservo, which means playing the masses for fools to benefit a privileged few.”
     Miles took in a breath before adding more. “And these privileged few are the ones who control the government, a government which is no longer your government, a government that was originally meant to be run by the people and for the people as the founding forefathers who created it had envisioned more than two centuries ago. Plain and simple, somewhere along the way, a fundamental shift within it has occurred over the last several decades in incrementally increasing boldness to transform it into something entirely different. This is a government that has now become one for the elites, a government where an abuse of power is becoming more and more apparent with the passage of each day, one in which there is no longer any accountability for malfeasance, corruption, or other indiscretions of any kind by the officials calling the shots, where a two-tiered system of justice is now in full view of the public. If you’re one of them, you have nothing to fear. But if you’re not one of them, prepare for a long incarceration for anything they choose to nail you with, especially if they see you as a threat to their nefarious agenda. In short, it has become quite evident that there is a total lack of moral clarity by some of those holding seats in high office.”
     As Miles spoke, one of the studio cameras rotated around to show several staff members writhing on a floor slick with vomit, their hands pressed firmly against their skull as if to suppress their head from coming apart. A few others stood idly by, their faces harboring contented looks as they gazed fixedly at something before their eyes.
     “What you are now viewing,” Miles elaborated, “is the manifestation of the true essence that lies deep in the people running this station. Some are basically good, decent people while others are utterly infested with iniquity. Of those that are standing and not showing any signs of debilitation or illness, they are doing a job to earn a paycheck, going along with the day-to-day operations as a means of keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table, just like most of you watching out there. Or perhaps they had been ignoring their gut instincts all along, so blinded by their own ambitions to climb the corporate ladder in the media industry that they refused to acknowledge the peculiarities of the company they work for, a company that routinely and blatantly defies the tenets of sound journalism, which is actually aimed at deceiving the masses in order to mold public opinion to conform to the wishes of a shadowy cabal pulling the strings of government. And like you, some of them sense the truths that have been purposely obfuscated by this and other media broadcasting stations but have felt powerless to stop it. But of those you see writhing in obvious agony on the floor, those are the willing abettors of the falsehoods consistently laid before you. They have made a career of debunking any conspiracy theories coming to light as to what’s really going on in the world around us. They represent the most ruthless elements of the human race, people without a shred of compassion in their hearts. These are the ones you have to be wary of, for they are in league with the deep state responsible for tearing apart the values and culture that had once made America great.”
     Miles shook his head sadly. “Despite this revelation, I’m sure that many of you will refuse to believe the things I’m telling you. Nevertheless, should any cataclysmic events transpire in the near future, I can guarantee they will be staged by your own government.”
     The camera pivoted around to face Miles once again. “At this moment, I’m sure that many of you out there are wondering how to take our country back from the people tearing it down. Well, the answer is quite simple. You don’t have to do anything. As we go forward from here, more and more of these people will be exposed just as you see here now. And through this exposure, their credibility will quickly diminish. Being revealed for who they truly are, they will be shunned by society like never before. They certainly deserve it.”
     Having said that, Miles arose from his chair and left the station.


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